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Prof.  Jie  Chang
Zhejiang University,  China

Title: Increasing ecosystem services by artificial ecosystems and alleviating pressure on nature


A major challenge of managing social-ecological systems is lacking distinct functional units for operating. In social-ecological systems, instead natural ecosystems, the artificial systems provide more and more goods and services for people directly, but they receive little attention by scientists. Here, we highlight the artificial systems as the functional units of social-ecological systems and propose a paradigm that regulating various artificial systems interconnected in a network. With the paradigm we can diagnose and optimize a social-ecological system by improving artificial systems, regulating quality and spatial distribution and improve the network. The paradigm, aims at providing sufficient goods and services for human being while reduce pressure on natural ecosystems, is a complementary approach of ecosystem-based management for the sustainability of social-ecological systems. It can be used as a general tool for analyzing and managing social-ecological systems.


常杰,男,54岁。博士、教授,博士生导师。现任浙江大学生态研究所副所长和浙江大学可持续发展研究中心执行主任。已从事生态学研究33年。主要方向:城市生态学、可持续发展、理论生物学、生物多样性、生态技术。单独或作为第1著者出版2部《生态学》(2001浙大出版社,2010高教出版社)、《统合生物学纲要》、《生态文明中的生态原理》等5部著作,合作主编《植物生理生态学》、《全球生态学》,另参编著作4部,译著2部;在国内外重要刊物发表论文180余篇(其中SCI刊物80余篇,包括国际顶尖刊物Nature ClimateChang, PNAS,FrontiersinEcologyandtheEnvironment等多篇)。现为《植物生态学报》编委、《生态学报》编委和《水生态科学》编委等。曾获国家科技进步二等奖(2009),浙江省科技进步一等奖(2008),浙江省科技进步三等奖(第二)、教育部科技进步二等奖(参加者),林业部科技进步二等奖(参加者),中国植物学会第四届青年科技奖等奖励。详细见网页http://www.cls.zju.edu.cn/eae/

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